How Does Spiritual Response Therapy Work? Understanding the Healing Process


Spiritual Response

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a transformative method aimed at identifying and clearing subconscious blocks that affect your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By using tools like a pendulum and charts, the SRT practitioner channels spiritual guidance to locate these blocks, which often stem from past lives or traumatic experiences. 

The process involves accessing the Akashic Records, clearing negative patterns, and reprogramming the subconscious with supportive beliefs.

This holistic healing approach not only addresses the root causes of discordant energy, but also empowers personal transformation by releasing limiting beliefs. 

As blocks are cleared, clients experience deeper inner peace and emotional resilience.

How Spiritual Response Therapy Works

How Spiritual Response Therapy Works

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) works by addressing the subconscious and spiritual root causes of life’s challenges. It takes a multi-dimensional approach to healing that includes clearing energetic blocks and reprogramming the subconscious mind to foster well-being. 

The foundation of SRT lies in identifying and clearing discordant blocks, shifting subconscious blocks, and unlocking spiritual guidance that can promote healing. This process requires an experienced SRT practitioner who utilizes specialized tools to access higher spiritual wisdom.

The therapy begins with establishing a connection with the client’s High Self — the highest level of their spiritual being. By engaging with the High Self, SRT practitioners can uncover issues deeply embedded in the subconscious. 

These issues may stem from current life experiences, past life trauma, or old belief systems that still hold power in the present. After identifying these blocks SRT practitioners work to clear them and reprogram the subconscious mind

SRT does not only address mental blocks but also works on deep emotional layers such as fear, guilt, and anxiety.

Connecting with the Client’s High Self to Identify the Specific Blocks

At the heart of Spiritual Response Therapy is the concept of connecting to the client’s High Self to understand the root causes of emotional and energetic blocks. 

The High Self represents the purest aspect of the individual’s soul and holds important wisdom and clarity about one’s life journey and spiritual path. 

Through accessing the High Self, an SRT practitioner can identify subconscious blocks rooted in negative experiences and outdated belief systems. 

These could relate to any aspect of life from relationships and career to personal values and spiritual understanding.

For instance if a person has persistent feelings of inadequacy or struggles with self-doubt it may be linked to subconscious blocks formed in childhood or possibly from past life experiences. 

By connecting with the High Self, the therapist can uncover these blocks and gain insight into the emotional trauma or limiting beliefs causing the negative patterns. 

The goal is to provide spiritual guidance so that these emotional roadblocks can be cleared thus giving the client the tools to reframe their life and experiences in a more empowered way.

Accessing the Akashic Records

Accessing the Akashic Records

An essential aspect of SRT is the ability to access the Akashic Records. These records are like a spiritual library containing all the knowledge and experiences of an individual’s soul from its past lives to its future potentials. 

The Akashic Records are accessed by SRT practitioners as a way to delve deeper into spiritual history and understand unresolved patterns affecting the individual today. 

Opening the Akashic Records allows the therapist to gain important insights into previous incarnations and the energetic lessons influencing the present life.

Understanding past life connections is often vital to clearing emotional wounds from subconscious blocks

For example if a person has had a past life filled with trauma it can carry through and create certain mental wellbeing or emotional challenges in their present-day life. 

By exploring and clearing these ancient layers of programming through the Akashic Records SRT supports deep healing and resolution.

Clearing the Block

Once a subconscious block has been identified the next critical step is to clear it energetically. This part of the SRT process focuses on releasing subconscious blocks that manifest in different areas of a person’s life. 

The therapy works by removing the emotional charge or energetic pattern attached to these blocks. This process takes place on an energetic and vibrational level and involves SRT practitioners using techniques such as pendulum dowsing or focused energy clearing to harmonize and cleanse a person’s energetic field.

For example, a client’s struggle with money issues may stem from a subconscious belief that they are unworthy of abundance. Clearing the block helps to shift this energy allowing them to align with their highest potential. 

Removing a block often leaves the individual feeling lighter, freer, and open to new positive beliefs and energies.

Reprogramming the Subconscious

After the energetic block is cleared the next step in SRT involves reprogramming the subconscious mind. This step is vital for ensuring long-lasting change.

Removing negative programming or limiting beliefs requires reconditioning the subconscious mind to support the person’s goals, values, and future intentions.

Using positive affirmations, energy healing, and subconscious reprogramming, the SRT practitioner helps the client install empowering thoughts and beliefs for personal growth and healthy choices. SRT practitioners use tools and techniques such as affirmations and visualizations to help the individual embody these new positive beliefs. 

If a person was previously struggling with low self-esteem for example affirming statements around self-empowerment, self-love, and inner strength can shift these feelings over time. 

When reprogramming occurs the results are often profound as it not only addresses the mind but also the spirit leading to holistic healing on every level.

The Tools Used in Spiritual Response Therapy

The Tools Used in Spiritual Response Therapy

The practice of SRT relies on several tools to facilitate the healing process. Among the most common tools used in Spiritual Response Therapy are the pendulum, specialized charts, and the Akashic Records

Each tool helps guide SRT practitioners in accessing the necessary spiritual information for healing.

The Pendulum

The pendulum is a key tool used in SRT for communicating with spiritual energy and the subconscious mind. Through pendulum dowsing the SRT practitioner is able to ask questions and receive answers by observing the pendulum’s movement. 

Depending on the direction of the pendulum the practitioner can determine which areas of the client’s energy field need attention. 

Whether confirming a diagnosis of subconscious blocks or clarifying a spiritual message from the High Self, the pendulum is an important instrument for accurate and effective healing.

The pendulum helps establish communication between the conscious and subconscious minds providing a way to focus attention on the specific energetic block that needs clearing. 

It enhances the practitioner’s ability to align with the intuitive and spiritual channels required for effective healing.

The Charts Empowering Personal Growth

Another vital component in SRT is the use of charts which help SRT practitioners identify where blocks lie in a person’s energy field. 

The charts provide a structured way to map emotional issues, past-life connections, and other potential energetic disturbances that require healing. 

This tool aids in pinpointing discordant beliefs and negative programming that hold the client back.

Through charts the SRT practitioner can uncover a vast range of challenges and offer solutions based on the information revealed. 

The use of charts is essential to conducting a thorough examination and healing process tailored to the specific needs of the client.

The Akashic Records

As mentioned before, the Akashic Records are an indispensable resource in SRT. The records hold the essence of a person’s soul’s history including past life experiences. 

The Akashic Records provide profound insights into patterns, subconscious blocks, and emotional burdens carried forward from past incarnations.

SRT practitioners access the records to better understand how past events influence current experiences, allowing them to break the cycle and heal trauma.

How SRT Creates Lasting Change

How SRT Creates Lasting Change

One of the most significant benefits of SRT is its ability to create lasting change. SRT works by clearing and transforming negative patterns that hinder personal and spiritual growth. 

As a result, individuals experience immediate relief from challenges and long-term change in their emotional, spiritual, and mental states..

Transforming Blocks of Discordant Programming

SRT clears out the blocks of discordant programming embedded in the subconscious mind. These blocks could stem from past traumas, childhood experiences, or spiritual misunderstandings. 

The therapy helps transform these energetic disturbances allowing clients to rewrite old patterns and release negativity. 

The clearing of these blocks brings a feeling of freedom, healing, and empowerment.

Reprogramming the Subconscious

Once the energy blocks are cleared SRT focuses on reprogramming the subconscious mind. This is a crucial step because it helps reinforce the new positive beliefs that will guide a person forward. 

Reprogramming forms healthier mental habits, leading to better emotional regulation, inner peace, and personal transformation.

Holistic Healing

SRT is holistic in nature because it heals the mind, body, and spirit. Reprogramming creates healthier mental habits, improving emotional regulation, inner peace, and personal transformation.

SRT works on a deeper level by

creating lasting transformations on both the conscious and subconscious levels. As a result, clients experience improved well-being and feel better equipped to face life’s challenges with confidence.

Empowering Personal Growth

Empowering Personal Growth

Above all SRT is about empowering individuals to embrace their true selves. When blocks are cleared and the subconscious mind is reprogrammed, a person can live in alignment with their spiritual purpose, experience personal growth, and develop self-awareness. 

SRT supports the realization of higher potential fostering inner strength, confidence, and healing.


Spiritual Response Therapy is a transformative process that uses spiritual tools and practices to heal emotional, mental, and spiritual wounds. 

SRT practitioners access the High Self, Akashic Records, and clear subconscious blocks to help individuals unlock potential and achieve growth.

The therapy works at the deepest levels of the soul to reprogram negative beliefs and create lasting transformation.

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